
Dr. Ehab Aziz Khalil
Welcome to my online web site
In this site, you'll find background information about myself, my education, my work, and the up to date information can follow in the: "News and Publications" section.
Principle Investigator (PI): of Enhanced Infrastructure of Minufiya University Network (MUN), Subproject of Information & Communcation Technology Project (ICTP), Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE), Arab Republic of EGYPT, 2004-2007. Consulting Editor of the Contemporary Who's Who, American Biographical Institute (ABI) 2002-2003.
I've been with the Technical Program Committee (TPC) and Session Chair in the 11th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks 2002(ICCCN2002),Oct.14-16,2002, Miami, Florida, USA.
I've been with the TPC of the 10th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks 2001 (ICCCN2001), Oct. 15-17, 2001, Arizona, USA.
I've been with the Technical Program Committee(TPC) and Session Chair in the 9th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks 2000(ICCCN2000), Oct, 2000, Las Vegas Nevada, USA.
And as a Chairperson with the IASTED'98, the International Conference on "Computer System and Applications" 1998, Jordan.
You must be Happy ALWAYS, If you want to be Happy please keep these statments mention in the following pragraph..... "How to be Happy"
HOW TO BE HAPPY Keep your heart free from hate, Your mind from worry.Live simply, Expect little, Give much, Sing often, Pray always. Full your life with love, Scatter sunshine forget self, Think of others. Do as you would be done by. These are the tried links in contentment's golden chain.