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With My Work

 Shared with TPC & Shair Session or others in the following International Conferences & Journals:

·  "International Conference on Cloud Computing 2014 ,"  (ICCC 2014), Cairo, EGYPT, October 5-6, 2014.

·    "International Conference on Networking Architecture and Storage 2014," (ICNAS 2014), Cairo, EGYPT, October 5-6, 2014.

·        "International Conference on Telecommunications and Networking Engineering," (ICTNE 2014), Singapore, SG, September, 11-12, 2014.

·        "International Conference on Telecommunications and Networking Engineering," (ICTNE 2014), Zurich, Switzerland, July, 30-31, 2014.

·        "International Conference on Networking and Internet Engineering," (ICNIE 2014), Prague, Czech Republic, July, 10-11, 2014.

·        "International Conference on Communication Networks and Applications," (ICCCNA 2014), Dubai, UAE, April, 8-9, 2014.

·        "International Conference on Communication Networks and Applications," (ICCNA 2014), Dubai, UAE, March, 12-13, 2014.

·        Research Volunteers of International Journal of Advances Engineering & Technology, INDIA, 2011-2013.

·        Reviewer with the African Journal of Engineering Research, February, 2013.

·        Consulting Editor of the Contemporary Who's Who, American Biographical Institute (ABI) 2002-2003.    

·       With the TPC and Shair Session of the 11th IEEE/ICCCN’2002, which hold on  14-16/10/2002 MiamiFlorida, USA.

·        With the TPC and Shair Session No.13 of the 10th IEEE/ICCCN’2001, which hold on 14-17/10/2001, Arizona, USA.

·        With the TPC and Shair Session No.29 of the 9th IEEE/ICCCN’2000, which hold on 16-18/10/2000, Las Vegas,  Nevda, USA.

·       With the TPC of “Computer Systems and Applications” of IASTED, which hold on 30th March up to 2nd April 1998, Arbid, Jourdan.

·       Organizer with the URSI’2000, which has been hold on 22 – 24/2/2000,  at the Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Menof – EGYPT.

· Principle Investigator (PI): of Enhanced Infrastructure of Minufiya University Network (MNU), subproject of Information & Communication Technology Project (ICTP), Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE),Arab Republic of EGYPT,  2004-2007.

· Consulting Editor of the Contemporary Who's Who, American Biographical Institute (ABI) 2002-2003.

· With the Technical Program Committee(TPC) and Session Chair in the 11th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks 2002(ICCCN2002),Oct.14-16,2002,Miami,Florida,USA.

· With the TPC of the 10th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks 2001 (ICCCN2001), Oct. 15-17, 2001, Arizona, USA.

 · With the Technical Program Committee(TPC) and Session Chair in the 9th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks 2000(ICCCN2000), Oct, 2000, Las Vegas Nevada, USA.

· Chairperson with the IASTED'98, the International Conference on "Computer System and Applications" 1998, Jordan.

List of My Publications:

I- Conference Papers:

More than 35 Papers 

  II- Journal Papers:

More than 25 Papers

 III- Article Review:

More than 83 Articles

·        Published more than 83 scientific article reviews in the field of Advanced Computer Networks and Information Technologies.

·        Published more than 35 scientific research papers in the International Conferences and more than 25 scientific research papers in International Journals.

·        Published more than specialized scientific courses in the field of Computer Networks,  Advanced Computer Networks, Internet Protocols, Multimedia and Virtual Reality and their applications on the Computer Networks, Data Transfer between Computers,   Operating Systems, Advanced Operating Systems, and Principles & Computer Operations.

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