About myself: I'm a Senior Lecturer (Ph.D), Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Menoufiya University, Menouf - 32952, EGYPT.
Background: I'm a Lecturer since Dec, 1994, up to now with the Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Menoufiya University. From Dec.1987 up to July 1994, I joind the Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay -76 (IITB), INDIA, as a Ph.D., Research/Scholar. From July, 1994 up to December 1994 I joined the Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Menouf - 32952, EGYPT as an Assistant Lecturer. Mean while I was working from Nov.1983 up to Dec.1987, as an Assistant Lecturer at the Department of Industrial Electronics and Engineering, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Menoufiya University. From Dec.1978 up to Oct.1983, I've been working as a Demenostrator at the Dept. of Industrial Electronics and Engineering, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Menouf, EGYPT.
Present Post:
[1]Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Menouf - 32952, EGYPT.
[2]Supervisor of the "Information and Link Network," Minufiya University, Shebin El-Kom, Minufiya EGYPT.
[3]Member of the "Electronic Coursware Development Committee," Egyptian Universities Network (EUN), Supreme Council of Universities, Cairo University, Giza 12612, EGYPT.
[4]Member of "The Executive Committee of Egyptian Universities Network," Egyptian Universities, Cairo University, Giza 12612, EGYPT.
[5]Member of "Organization Committee Between The Technical Committee," Minufiya University, Shebin El-Kom, Minufiya EGYPT.
[6] Member of "Higher Committee for Computing," Minufiya University, Shebin El-Kom, Minufiya EGYPT.
[7]Supervisor of the "Sub-network," (Access to the Internet Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Menouf - 32952, EGYPT.
[8]Member of the "Information Technology Committee," Faculty of Electronic Engieering, Menouf-32952, EGYPT.
[9]Manager of "Scientific Computing Center,"Faculty of Electronic Engieering, Menouf-32952, EGYPT.
[10]Editorial Secretary of the "Electronic Engineering Bulletin," Faculty of Electronic Engieering, Menouf-32952, EGYPT.
[11] Memebr of the "Production Workshop," Faculty of Electronic Engieering, Menouf-32952, EGYPT.
[12] Member of the Committee of "Set Requirements, Select, Consultant, and Recommanded," the scientific Equipements (Digital Devices, Computers, Network and Internetworking Components, etc.) Faculty of Electronic Engieering, Menouf-32952, EGYPT.
[13] Member of the "Department of Computer Science & Engineering Committee," Faculty of Electronic Engieering, Menouf-32952, EGYPT.
[14] Memeber of the "Development of the Courses of the Minufiya University,with the Information Communication and Technology Project (ICTP)," Minufiya University Shebin El-Kom, EGYPT.
[15]Chairperson with the "IASTED International Conference on Computer System and Applications," March 30th - April 2ed, 1998, Arbid, Jordan.
[16] Member of the Technical Program Committee (TPC) and Chair Session No.29, of the "Ninth IEEE Internetional Conference on Computer Communication and Networks (IEEE/ICCCN2000)," Oct.16-18, 2000, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
[17] Member of the Technical Program Committee (TPC) and Chair Session No.13, of the "Tenth IEEE Internetional Conference on Computer Communication and Networks (IEEE/ICCCN2001)," Oct.15-17, 2001, Arizona, USA.
[18] Member of the Technical Program Committee (TPC) of the "Eleventh IEEE Internetional Conference on Computer Communication and Networks (IEEE/ICCCN2002)," Oct.14-16, 2002, Miami, Florida, USA.
[19]Consulting Editor of the Contemporary Who's Who, American Biographical Institute (ABI) 2002- 2003. [20] Member of the Committee of Information and Communication Technology Project (ICTP), HEEPF, Supreme Council of Universities, Cairo University, Giza 12612, EGYPT [21] Member of the Committee of Information and Communication Technology Project (ICTP), HEEPF,Minufiya University, Shebin El-Kom, Minufiya, EGYPT. [22] Principle Investigator (PI): of Enhanced Infrastructure of Minufiya University Network (MUN), subproject of Information & Communication Technology Project (ICTP), Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE), Arab Republic of EGYPT.
Ph.D.(1994) Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay (IITB), INDIA,
M.Sc.(1983) Dept. of Systems and Automatic Control, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Minufiya University, Menouf-32952, EGYPT.
B.Sc.(1978) Dept. of Industrial Electronics, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Minufiya University, Menouf-32952, EGYPT.
My area of Interested: Performance and Analysis of High Speed Networks (HSNs) including FDDI, ATM, etc., Multimedia Applications over HSNs, Internet Architecture and Protocols (TCP/IP), Network Security, Wireless Networks, recent research deal with all these topics which are mentioned above.
I'll never forget all my INDIAN Friends, and my few years I've spent at INDIA. I like to do some fantastic Egyptian and Indian dishes. Also I like the indian music and films. I like footbool, Walk, run, Green Lands, Honst people, pepole who loves without return off !!!!
Contact Me at: Tele/Fax (2048-2223906) or Tele/Fax:(2048-2317538) or Tele/Fax:( 2048-2226454)
khalilehab@hotmail.com, drehab_khalil@yahoo.com, drehab.khalil@gmail.com
Web Site
http://www.menofia.edu.eg, http://www.menofia.edu.eg/network_administrtor.asp, http://www.frcu.edu.eg, http://icccn.sce.umkc.edu/icccn02/tpc_name_list.html, http://www.cs.albany.edu/~mosh/IITB-RS/, http://www.esiee.fr/~attiyag/Publications.html, http://ayman.elsayed.free.fr/, http://www.votations.com/asp/readmbmsg.asp?pollid=106179&msgid=182041&parentid=182020&curpage=1&lang=, http://portal.acm.org/